Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Off The Island

Hi friends we are officially off the island of Tierra del Feugo and are happily munching on beef sandwiches in Punta Arenas. We left Ushuaia on Jan 3rd and have spent the last six days battling our bikes, our stomachs, and a twenty km headwind to get to the port city of Porvenir where we caught the ferry to Punta Arenas.

Overall we've been incredibly hgappy with our bikes but have realized we're carrying way too much stuff - will probably be sending home spare tires, extra parts and clothing tomorrow. Bull is thinking about going with only one shirt from here on out. That may seem extreme to you...that is, extremely awesome. Everybody smells terrible and it is glorious.

Things of course are exciting. All of our faces are peeling (please don't tell Mama), chamois cream has been applied liberally, and everyones' butts are en fuego. Tierra del Fuego itself is for the most part a windy, desolate collection of cattle and sheep estancias. There are many, many meeshees. On the way to Punta Arenas we passed mine fields, llamas, flamingos, a ton of Israelli backpackers, and a foursome of middle aged german cyclists whose calves made us look silly. They told us we were crazy to be riding against the wind and they were right - maybe if we'd cracked a guidebook open before getting down here we would have realised that the wind is predominately from the north and vicious. Last week in punta arenas they had to put ropes up along the side walks so people could go about their shopping in the 100 km gusts. BANGARANG GRANDMA.

But anyway everybody is so happy and healthy and full of empanandas. So much love to all our friends and family. crushingpower at (i'd use the symbol but can't find it, though we do have a ton of çççççççç. anyone need any çççççççç? Nope. neither do we. I want the at symbol). Anyway email us and we'll hit you back. Smooches to Oberlin X and Jeff Burton for being number one fans. If you don't know what chamois cream is don't ask.

photos to follow.


Blogger Matt Farrell said...

Yo guys, make sure you kiss the toe of the big dude in the center of the plaza in Punta Arenas. That way you're sure to come back... Also, if you're looking for something to do, check out the cemetary - it was the craziest cemetary I've ever been to.

2:25 PM  
Blogger NinaSloyan said...

Ben this is your mother (actually John and Nina). Putting sheep skulls up against your face may lead to the contraction of anthrax - please cease and desist such activity. Lots of love to all four of you.

9:13 PM  

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